Paardeplaats Nature Retreat is situated on the top of the Longtom Mountain Pass (R37), 12 km from the Lydenburg Wimpy, at kilometre post 12.4 The gate is on the left-hand side, at the “JESUS” Hill.
The GPS coordinates of our gate are S 025.099173 E 030.552929
Turn in at the gate (undo the clip, the gate is not locked) and travel on the gravel road for about one kilometer to Lucas’ stone house (on right), continue another 100 meters, then keep left at the fork in the road, to the bottom of the hill (about 500 meters). Keep left at the boom, and continue for another 200 meters to the car port and the house. Please use our diagrammatic route map, if you are not sure. See you there!
The geographic co-ordinates at our gate (km post 12.4) on Route R37 are:
S 25.099173º E 30.552929º
& at the lodge carport:
S 25.091688º E 30.563842°
Please Note: The R36 between the N4, Bambi and Lydenburg is under construction at present, and because of the bad road and mining and construction lorries, is dangerous. We suggest using the R 540 from Belfast, Dullstroom to Lydenburg, to get to Paardeplaats
Turn in at the gate (undo the clip, the gate is not locked) and travel on the gravel road for about one kilometer to Lucas’ stone house (on right), continue another 100 meters, then keep left at the fork in the road, to the bottom of the hill (about 500 meters). Keep left at the boom, and continue for another 200 meters to the car port and the house. Please use our diagrammatic route map, if you are not sure. See you there!
The geographic co-ordinates at our gate (km post 12.4) on Route R37 are:
S 25.099173º E 30.552929º
& at the lodge carport:
S 25.091688º E 30.563842°
Please Note: The R36 between the N4, Bambi and Lydenburg is under construction at present, and because of the bad road and mining and construction lorries, is extremely dangerous. We suggest using the R 540 from Belfast, Dullstroom to Lydenburg, to get to Paardeplaats
Photo Credit: Des Jacobs